We read a book called the Last Cuentista which was really long and at the end of it we all wrote 7 paragraph essays about our ideal worlds and what were on them. Then, after that we made books where we glued different pieces of paper to make land, water and animals. But we also had scissors to shape them and we cut out a way to get to a somewhat secret page. An example is in my book I did a hole inside the middle of a mountain. Then once we had finished our books a month or so later we glued all of paragraphs into our finished books. Here are some photos of my finished book.
This blog will be about our sports seasons, Jonah and Teddy play baseball and Callan plays soccer. Jonah is, on the top of the league that he’s in with me, will also be talking about his travel ball team which are the 12u Riptides.
Callan: As you might have heard above I play soccer. I play soccer for a league called Triangle United (logo shown below). I was on the MLS Next two/ NAL / Gold team. My soccer season is from the start of fall to the end of spring. In the fall season we started off by playing a tournament. In that tournament we were playing U14 kids (I’m U13) and we won. Then we started off the season pretty slow. We were losing and tying most games. But soon we figured each other out and we started whining a lot more to end the fall season. We ended up 3rd in one of our leagues and 4th in the other. Then came spring and we started to fall off and either lose or tie most games. We ended up 7th in one league and 3rd in the other. Although we had a rough spring, overall I had a lot of fun with my team and we made lots of memories together. If I were to rank my season from 1-10 I would say and 8.
Photo from https://www.triangleunited.org/
This is the logo for Triangle United.
Teddy: As you heard I play baseball in a league with Jonah. The league he and I play in is called South Durham Little League or SDLL.
Photo from https://m.facebook.com/SDLL.org/photos/d41d8cd9/659619349498000/
This is the logo for SDLL
Currently on my team I’m batting 8th which is an improvement because I used to be batting 10th or 11th. You might be thinking that batting 8th is kinda bad but my team is absolutely goated so we just have a lot of good hitters in front of me. We just went into the playoffs and we won in the first round against the Rays which had my best friend Matthew on it and another friend Diego. Our next game is tomorrow against the Giants which has another friend named Walker on it. Hopefully we beat them and move on to the next round where I think we would either be playing the Orioles which has Jonah and Finn who’s another friend, or the Braves which has one of my neighbors on it. Wish me luck!
Jonah: As you might have heard above I play baseball. I play baseball for a team called Riptide. Our team is division 1 which is the best division. We have recently played a lot of competitive teams including one team that had the number one 12yr old kid in the country and seven players from the number 4 team in the country. I also play in a league with Teddy, and I recently made the all star team. Below is a picture of my travel ball team.
Photo from https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fbesttravelballteam%2F&psig=AOvVaw0J7sYd8be_crhMr6a156LQ&ust=1717095375210000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjhxqFwoTCKCQ2vDEs4YDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
My Riptide team is currently ranked 14th in the state however we used to be ranked better but our season ended. Thank you.
Just a heads up for you guys and my teacher this blog is gonna be pretty short. So basically as you could probably guess from the title our school had Adam Gidwitz visit our school. Now you’re probably wondering who Adam Gidwitz is unless you just searched him up. He’s an author who has written a lot of books, some of his most famous ones are centered around the Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
Photo from https://www.amazon.com/Tale-Dark-Grimm-Adam-Gidwitz/dp/0525423346
Here’s a photo of him
Photo from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Adam_Gidwitz_2016.jpg
Most of the time he was talking about his new book Max in the House of Spies where there’s kid named Max and he has like goblins that tell him things and guide him, and 2 spy caretakers. He was talking about how the spy caretakers were actually real spies and how Max was based off of a childhood family friend. Then we had a little Q&A and then he left.
We went to the UNC campus for a field trip and just keep in mind that this day was a half day. So for the first half one group, my group did a tour of the gardens and of a little bit of the campus and another group did a physics show and a little museum exhibit tour. During the tour through the campus we saw 2 buildings where basically one guy made his building really big but the other one wanted his to be bigger/taller and so he made it so a little tip of his building go over the other guy’s building making it look like a dunce cap. Then we went to the well but unfortunately couldn’t drink out of it. We also saw a memorial to the enslaved people that built the UNC campus.
Photo taken by Julie Williams
Then we had lunch and my group got to do the physics show and museum exhibit tour. During the physics show the man that was doing the physics showed us a few things about electro magnets and something where if you drop a basketball with a tennis ball on it the tennis ball will go super high. Then that first group did this thing where it’s like a movie on a dome about Mars and the problems we have to solve to get there. Then we also watched it and left. Overall I would rate this a 9/10 just because the Mars show was awesome.
On March 5th the DA 6th grade went on a field trip to plant trees with Keep Durham Beautiful and another organization with a name of something along the lines of Durham Fair Housing. on this field trip we were split into 2 groups one planting trees first and the other watching a documentary about trees. I was in the group watching the documentary. The documentary was about an old woman that was very fascinated by trees and just her learning more and more things about them like how they calculate how old they are without cutting trees open and looking at the rings, and that trees send out help signals. Then after the documentary we went on buses to the sight. In my group was my friend Liam who I planted a tree with.
Anyways when we got there the people introduced themselves and taught us how to plant the trees. Once we got our shovels and gloves Liam and I went over to plant our tree.
Photo taken by Julie Williams
But before I tell you about that I should tell how we were taught to plant these trees. First you a hole around the pot with the tree that’s has a diameter of about 3 of the the pots. Then, dig it deep enough so the pot can all fit in the center. Now take the tree out of the pot and find the biggest root and that will be the determinator of whether or not your hole is deep enough. Then you put the tree in straight up and fill the hole back up and make a ring around it with leftover dirt. Then get some mulch and cover the ring and the whole thing except it can’t touch the tree. Anyways, back to Liam and I planting our tree. We started digging our hole and then after we had done little we realized this was gonna be a lot harder than we thought. We had run into a giant root system and a rock that seemed giant. to get rid of the roots we cut them with our shovels but the rock we had to dig around and then we realized another thing, the rock really wasn’t that big so we just threw it out and kept digging. After about 45min we had completed our hole with zero roots. Now we put the tree in and filled the hole back up, covered it with mulch, and put our things away. That’s all we really did there and then we went back to school and did a reflection thing. Overall I would rate this a 7/10 because digging the holes and breaking roots was fun.
In art during the past few weeks we worked on a project called you guessed it… metamorphosis! For this project we were assigned to turn one of our observational drawings of objects into one of our reference drawing of animals. For mine I did a spray bottle into a penguin. By the way his name is Penguino. I’m gonna show you my photo of it now.
My metamorphosis drawing from art class
Usually these drawings have 3 drawings in the middle but I had enough room for 4. This project took a while because first we had to put our old drawings on to a new paper. Then, we had to trace all of the in between drawings and then transfer those on. All of this took around 2 weeks or like 8 class periods which is 8 hours.
This blog is written by Jonah, Teddy and Callan. We will be talking about our Woodcroft basketball season.
Photo from http://www.woodcroftsports.org/registration/
We are all on the same team with some of our other school friends and some other random people. Our coach is our friend Matthew’s dad. By the way Matthew is on our team too. So far our record is perfect being 0-11. Listen, our team’s average height is 4 foot 10, and we play against teams that are twice the height of some of our players. We have one more game coming up and hopefully we can win that, because it is our last game. Despite our frightening streak of games it has been a fun and great season with all of us improving a lot in skill, technique, and IQ of the game.
Hi, I’m Jonah and my strength in basketball is defense, ball handling, and fast breaks
Hi I am Callan and my strength is rebounding and hustling. I am also pretty good at defense.
Hi I’m Teddy and I’m good at playing defense, shooting, and stealing.
Hello peoples in this blog I’m gonna talk about freeze dried candy which you should already know.
So first on the agenda freeze dried Skittles. These are delicious but there are waaaaaayyyyyyyy overpriced like I got 2 bags and they were 28.89. Think about that I SPENT 30 DOLLHAIRS ON SKITTLES!! SKITTLES!!
Photo from https://sweetytreatyco.com/products/freeze-dried-skittle
Like they are taxin and like I see these videos that are like do it yourself at home ones and then guess what THEY DON’T WORK. Anyways there are other ones like freeze dried jolly ranchers which are like popcorn which makes absolutely no sense like how does a hard lolly pop candy become like popcorn.
Photo from https://efjerky.com/product/freeze-dried-jolly-ranchers/
There’s also freeze dried nerd gummy clusters that are also like pop corn and this actually makes sense because the gummy part gets crunchy and they are delicious.
Photo from https://sweetytreatyco.com/products/freeze-dried-nerd-clusters
But there are some cheap ones like those jolly ranchers were like 5 bucks so that’s okay but besides some places usually its pretty expensive.
In L.A. (Language Arts) we have been reading wisdom tales out of book called you guessed it The Wisdom Tales we were reading them and taking notes and now our teacher Mrs. Williams has asked that we make a comic about one.
I chose one called The Smuggler which is about a smuggler who always is smuggling something and comes across the like border control guy and the border control couldn’t find anything on his donkey. This same thing happened for many years until the border control guy had retired and was at the marketplace when he saw the smuggler. He called him over and asked, “What were you smuggling all those years?” And the smuggler replied, “Oh I was smuggling donkeys.”
Now I’m gonna show you the comic that I drew on Sketchbook.
Drawing drawn by me on Sketchbook and inserted into Comic Life 3Drawing drawn by me on Sketchbook and inserted into Comic Life 3Drawing drawn by me on Sketchbook and inserted into Comic Life 3
That’s my comic tell me in the comments if you liked it.