My Wisdom Tale Comic

In L.A. (Language Arts) we have been reading wisdom tales out of book called you guessed it The Wisdom Tales we were reading them and taking notes and now our teacher Mrs. Williams has asked that we make a comic about one.

I chose one called The Smuggler which is about a smuggler who always is smuggling something and comes across the like border control guy and the border control couldn’t find anything on his donkey. This same thing happened for many years until the border control guy had retired and was at the marketplace when he saw the smuggler. He called him over and asked, “What were you smuggling all those years?” And the smuggler replied, “Oh I was smuggling donkeys.”

Now I’m gonna show you the comic that I drew on Sketchbook.

Drawing drawn by me on Sketchbook and inserted into Comic Life 3
Drawing drawn by me on Sketchbook and inserted into Comic Life 3
Drawing drawn by me on Sketchbook and inserted into Comic Life 3

That’s my comic tell me in the comments if you liked it.

Thanks for reading and goodbye!